Do Great commission work in Africa

Relationship, Empowerment, Participation


Missions in Africa


Central Africa Baptist University Crest

In order for the 21st-century Church to effectively fulfill the Great Commission in Africa, it must make strategic decisions on how it invests in missions. Investing in training of leaders for the church is key to healthy, reproducing churches.


Let’s consider the facts:

people crowding a marketplace in zambia

1. An Exploding population

Africa is the second-largest and second most populous continent on Earth, with an estimated population of 1.5 billion people. The population of Africa is currently projected to quadruple in just 90 years. Additionally, 41% of the African population is under the age of 15, and the continent has a life expectancy averaging just 52 years.


2. An emerging economy

Four of the fastest-growing economies in the world are in Africa: Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Rwanda (World Bank, 2019). A mostly untapped population and a rich supply of natural resources are gradually shifting Africa towards a global center for commerce. This newfound traffic is bringing a variety of world religions and cultures into Africa.


3. A shifting religious environment

While the number of Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to double by 2050, sadly, the most significant influencer of this Christianity is the Health & Prosperity Gospel. The Christian share of the region’s population is also expected to decline, dropping from 63% in 2010 to 59% in 2050 while the Muslim share is projected to increase from 30% to 35%. (Pew Forum, 2015)


So what does Reaching Africa look like?

Central Africa Baptist University (CABU), is on a mission to train the next generation of leaders who will be theologically equipped and practically prepared to spread the gospel across Africa. The vision is to see Christ made known through healthy, reproducing churches in every village, town and city in Africa.

Africa is experiencing a hunger for quality theological training. Unfortunately, much of the church in Africa is struggling with shallow theology and unhealthy church practices. The threat of the Islamic expansion from the north and the rise of the prosperity gospel across the continent pose significant challenges to the spread of the true gospel.


A 21st century approach to reaching africa must include:


1. Sound Theology

The prosperity gospel, cults, and African Traditional Religion influence religious life in Africa. Men and women must be taught sound theology. They need the tools to understand, study, and teach the Word of God. Pastors and Church planters must be equipped and prepared for their calling. School teachers must be equipped to be disciple-makers in the primary school classroom.

2. Financial Integrity

Missions partnerships are needed that do not undermine the planting of indigenous churches and that do not foster unhealthy dependency. There must be increased investment to make theological education more affordable for African pastors, missionaries, and educators.


3. Holistic Vision

Our vision is to train a generation of servant-hearted men and women committed to fulfilling the Great Commission across Africa. Men and women who will share the gospel and make disciples everywhere they go, in the workplace, in the classroom, in the pulpit, or the armed forces as Chaplains. We believe the gospel should impact every community and every aspect of life through servant-leaders committed to Great Commission living.


4. Measurable Goals

Our goal is to grow the University until we graduate 25 men and women from the Bible programs and 30 men and women from the Primary Teachers Education program each year. We want to maintain a ratio of 95% of graduates serving the Lord full-time or vocational ministry 5 years after graduation.

We are convinced that the Western Church is willing to give with open-hands and serve with full hearts—they just need to be persuaded that their efforts will make a real impact.


Meet Central Africa Baptist University


Since 2006, Central Africa Baptist University, has existed to bring glory to God by training the next generation of servant-leaders from across the continent of Africa.

We believe that the people best suited to reach Africa with the gospel are the people of Africa themselves.

We’re not exclusively “Baptist”, so why use that word in our name?

CABU equips the next generation of Christian leaders with:

  • Biblical Training

  • Practical Mentorship

  • Ministry Networking

  • Church Planting Skills

Our Legacy


Students trained by CABU since 1996



of CABU Alumni still in Ministry




We are not interested in bringing the American Church to Africa, but rather employing the resources of the American Church to equip African Christians in order to strengthen and build the Christ’s kingdom in Africa.

Student Success Stories



We are making a measurable impact on reaching Africa with the Gospel

But Your Help is needed



Annual Cost / Student



Annual Tuition / Student



Students are applying to Central Africa Baptist University committed to serving Christ and His church in Africa. CABU works hard to keep tuition affordable, but students need financial help to close the gap between the cost of education and what is reasonable for a student in Africa to pay for school. By donating to CABC USA, you allow us to provide grants to Central Africa Baptist University that keep the tuition costs affordable to students from Africa.

Partners who give to CABC USA will receive a testimony update from a student who is studying at CABU twice each year. Each year you will have the privilege to get to know and pray for a new student. Please join us to provide theological and ministry training for church leaders in Africa.

We know that the opportunities you have to invest in God's work are unlimited, but please consider partnering with CABC USA. You can make a personal difference not only in the life of a student but also in a local church congregation.