Boaz Kawishi


Boaz Kawishi is a beautiful example to our student body of dedication to study and a desire for spiritual growth. At the age of 65, he is enrolled in college, driven by the desire to be equipped to serve his local church better.

Boaz's father was a Jehovah's Witness, but God in His mercy brought the gospel to him through his mom and uncle. Boaz believed in Jesus Christ as a ten-year-old. In secondary school, God gripped his heart and called him to ministry; he responded and dedicated his life to Christian service.

Boaz served faithfully in his home church in Solwezi, Zambia, for many years. Several years ago, a church of 800 people called him to be their lead pastor. Feeling increasingly inadequate for the task, Boaz heard about Central Africa Baptist University’s block courses for pastors from a friend in Solwezi. After attending that class, Boaz realized that he needed pastoral and ministry training and enrolled at CABU, where he earned a 3-year diploma in Bible with an emphasis in expository preaching. Because the city of Solwezi was four hours away, it was too far for him to commute. He stayed at CABU in the men's dormitory. Even though he was significantly older than the other students, he humbly says that he learned so much from interactions with the younger men. CABU has developed his communication and preaching skills. After completing the diploma program, Boaz returned to his church and ministry with greater confidence in God and His Word.

Wookie Jones